Automated System for Launch Complex Ground Support Equipment Control

The System is intended for remote control, monitoring and administration of the support systems functioning when LV with an Upper Stage (or without it) and a Spacecraft prelaunch preparation and launch in different modes of Launch Complex (LC) operation, as well as LV and LC equipment transferring to the initial (safe) state in case of launch abort.
Year of release: 2004
Guaranteed service life (years):
at least 12 years
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12/6
Flight qualification of the product: No
Brief history of flight qualification: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Power Supply Voltage, AC, V 400/230 +18, -20 /±11,5
AC Frequency, Hz 50
AC Consumed Power, kW, at most 60
Insulation Resistance, MOm, at least 20
Ambient air temperature, °С plus 25 ±2
Air Nominal Humidity, % up to 80
Limit of permissible basic error of IR system (excluding sensor error), % 0.5


Workshop of technical and software means intended for control automation, monitoring of the parameters and technical condition of the ground support equipment at Launch Complex.

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