Data Receiving and Satellites Controlling Station

Radiosignals receiving and control comands transmitting according to amateur radio communication regulation.
Year of release: 2018
Guaranteed service life (years): 1
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 3
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: No

Parameter Value
The frequency range of the directional antenna, MHz, not narrower 435...438
The frequency range of the survey antennas, MHz 136..146 and 435...438
Data speed rate of the survey antennas, bps 9600
Transmitter output power, W, not less than 4
Supported Modulation Types AX.25
Supported transport protocols FSK


Ground complex provides two-way communication with small spacecraft.
- based on technology of software-defined radio;
- includes rotating antenna with high gain;
- includes two fixed survey antennas;
- equipped with web-
... Ground complex provides two-way communication with small spacecraft.
- based on technology of software-defined radio;
- includes rotating antenna with high gain;
- includes two fixed survey antennas;
- equipped with web-camera for rotating antenna monitoring.


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