Intersattelite optical communication terminal 2

The organization of communication between the spacecraft on LEO with remote sensing satellites and other spacecraft located at other altitudes, as well as for communication with the Earth (traffic ground).
Guaranteed service life (years): 7
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Communication range, km not less than 4500
Data transfer rate, Gbit / s from 10 to 100
Weight, kg 18
Viewing angle, degrees in azimuth; in elevation 360; 180
Average power consumption per revolution, W 65
Clear aperture 96
Target tracking speed, degrees / s 5
The possibility of including in the quantum cryptography channel yes, transmitter
Power-supply voltage, V 24-36


Optical communications equipment between satellites on LEO and between LEO and Earth.


Adaptation to any platform with a weight of 400 kg.

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