Descent module (a genuine capsule)

The descent module No. 738 of the Soyuz MS-08 mission is available for purchase. This lander may become an excellent exhibition showpiece for any public or private exhibition dedicated to aerospace. It is the property of the State Space Corporation Roscosmos and with the consent of the proprietor is offered to a potential customer.
Year of release: -
Guaranteed service life (years):
not limited
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 9-12
Flight qualification of the product: yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
The Russian Soyuz MS-08 crewed spacecraft, launched on March 21, 2018 at 20:44 Moscow time (17: 44 UTC) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, delivered to the International Space Station three crew members of the ISS-55/56 expedition: spacecraft commander, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, and two flight engineers, NASA astronauts Andrew Feustel and Richard Arnold. On October 4, 2018, at 14: 45 Moscow time (11: 45 UTC), the descent module, which is offered to the potential customers, successfully landed in Kazakhstan, 146 kilometers south-east of the city of Zhezkazgan, and returned Artemyev, Faustale and Arnold to Earth. The duration of the space flight of the crew of the ISS-55/56 expedition was 197 days.
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: yes

Parameter Value


Descent Module, serial number 738, Soyuz mission MS-08 (a genuine capsule),


Upon the customer's request, Glavkosmos can provide a full range of services for completion and installation of the mock-up, including:
- Making a mock-up of the descent module in the negotiated configuration and appearance;
- Making a stand f
... Upon the customer's request, Glavkosmos can provide a full range of services for completion and installation of the mock-up, including:
- Making a mock-up of the descent module in the negotiated configuration and appearance;
- Making a stand for the mock-up, equipped with a parachute, lighting system, etc.;
- Organization and carrying out of acceptance works with registration of the necessary documentation;
- Provision of customs clearance and transportation of the mock-up and its components (stand, parachute, etc.) to the installation site;
- Installation at a location, specified by the Customer;
- Consulting the Customer on the composition of the model and its exposition;


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Please note that this site is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is not a public offer determined by the provisions of the Part 2 Article 437 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Information on this site may be changed or supplemented.