Air Bearing (65 kg)

Air bearing with adjustable detent is a zero gravity simulator; it provides the movement with 3 degrees of freedom.
Year of release: 2009
Guaranteed service life (years): _
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 5
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: No

Parameter Value
Max carrying capacity, kg 65
Angle of turn relative to vertical axis not limited
Angle of turn relative to horizontal axes ±30°


Rotates through 360° along one axis (vertical), the possibility of rotation in two horizontal axises is limited. Air bearing consists of a pedestal and hemisphere-form bearing. The bearing is attached to the moving platform with small satellite or layout of sa
... Rotates through 360° along one axis (vertical), the possibility of rotation in two horizontal axises is limited. Air bearing consists of a pedestal and hemisphere-form bearing. The bearing is attached to the moving platform with small satellite or layout of satellite. Also the air bearing includes a compressor and trap. The trap device is designed for the safe descent of the installed satellite layout with a bearing on the pedestal for conducting the experiment, and lifting after the end of the experiment. The compressor is needed to create a thin layer of air between the bearing and the pedestal for movement with minimal friction. The load capacity of the air bearing is 65 kg.

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