Test Bench for Mutual Movement of Spacecraft

Designed to ensure the free movement of the studied objects in the horizontal plane with minimal friction.
Year of release: 2015
Guaranteed service life (years): _
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 9
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Dimensions, mm 5000х6000х3000
Active area size 1860х2480
Disk (w/ control system electronics) carrying capacity, kg, up to 10
Gap between disk and table, mm, up to 0.5
Working medium air
Power consumtion, kW 20


The aerodynamic table is a precise horizontal surface with a grid of holes, through which air from an external fan is supplied under pressure. Air pressure allows to hold a load on an air cushion - one or more mock-ups of moving objects up to 10 kg each - and
... The aerodynamic table is a precise horizontal surface with a grid of holes, through which air from an external fan is supplied under pressure. Air pressure allows to hold a load on an air cushion - one or more mock-ups of moving objects up to 10 kg each - and to define motion parameters with use of autonomous measurements system.

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