Test Bench to Examine Radio-Technical Performance of Antennas

High precision transfer and rotation of the target object in the 3 linear and 3 angle directions of intrinsic frame of reference within the working paths.
Year of release: 2012
Guaranteed service life (years): 10
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 4
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Rotation angle around frame of reference axes range, ° ±7
Linear motion along frame of reference axes ОХ and OY range, mm ±100
Linear motion along frame of reference axis ОZ (vertical axis of the mechanism) range, mm ±25
Angular rotation around frame of reference axes increment, '' 25
Linear motion along frame of reference axes increment, μm 10
Angular rotation around frame of reference axes error, '' ±30
Linear motion along frame of reference axes error, mm ±0.01
Overall dimensions of the device, mm diameter 530, height 673
Mass of the mechanism, kg 21


Component of the testbed for testing antenna radio engineering performance, six-degree-of-freedom mechanism.


The mechanism is used in the testbed for testing antenna radio engineering performance in the ground conditions. Development of space version on the base of this solution is available.

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