Weight-measuring Two-channel Device

Weight-measuring device UVDR-1200 is intended for:
- weighing of transport - fuelling containers in the static weighing mode;
- weighing of liquid fuel;
- weighing of the liquid fuel charge.
Year of release: 2018
Guaranteed service life (years): 3
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 8
Flight qualification of the product: No

Parameter Value
Maximum mass of weighed charge 600 kg
Minimum mass of weighed charge 2 kg
Error range depending on unit version ±0,01...±0,6 kg


Structurally the Device UVR-200 composition is as follows:  
1. Scaling module, consisting of:
- load-receptor,
- analog-to-digital conversion unit - 2 ea.;
2. Weight Indicator - 2ea.;
3. Connecting cables.

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