Space-borne Television System

The service television system (STS) is designed for installation on board of a stationary spacecraft in order to form digital images of the environment and objects that are within the field of view of television cameras, while storing received information in the long-term memory of the data acquisition unit for subsequent transmission over the radio channel to the ground receiving stations or relay stations.
Year of release: 2019
Guaranteed service life (years): 5
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 24
Flight qualification of the product: No
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Number of cameras 2 … 8
Picture size up to 2048 х 2048
Chromaticity Monochrome / Color (RGB)
Storage capaticity 24 Gbps
Framing rate up to 10 frames / s
Weight Camera 350 g, recording unit 1,7 kg
Input power up to 20 W (8 cameras simultaneously)


The service television system (STS) is a system of eight monoblock digital cameras and a video data recording and processing unit.

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