Onboard Infrared Fourier Spectrometer

Obtaining global data for numerical weather prediction and climate studies, including: 1) vertical profiles of temperature in the troposphere and lower stratosphere with an error of 1-2 K; 2) vertical profiles of humidity in the troposphere with an error of no more than 30%; 3) the total ozone content with an error not less than 5% and the vertical O3 profile in the ozone layer with an error of 15%; 4) temperature of the underlying surface with an error of <0.5 K (water) and <1.0 K (dry); 5) the proportion of cloud cover, temperature and pressure at the upper cloud limit; 6) total content of minor gas components of the atmosphere: CH4, N2O, etc.
Year of release: 2002
Guaranteed service life (years): 5
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 18
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
As a part of SC "Meteor-М" № 2 (launched on 08.07.2014).
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Operation specrtal range 5-15 mkm
Spectral resolution, no more 0,5 1/sm
Threshold spectral brightness (NESR), (mW*sm)/(m2*average) 0,15-0,45
The measurement error of the spectral brightness of the object (in terms of equivalent temperature) at a wavelength of 11 ... 12 microns and at an object temperature of 280 ... 300 K 0,5 K
Swath width to 2500 km
Spatial resolution in nadir 30 km
Interferogram filming time 0,5 s
Mass 50 kg
Power consumption (average per revolution) 50 W
Imformation flow 600 kbit/s


Infrared instrumentation for measuring the spectra of outgoing thermal radiation of the surface-atmosphere system with high spectral resolution in the interests of operational meteorology and climatology. Features: - sealed opto-mechanical unit mounted on
... Infrared instrumentation for measuring the spectra of outgoing thermal radiation of the surface-atmosphere system with high spectral resolution in the interests of operational meteorology and climatology.
- sealed opto-mechanical unit mounted on spacecraft platform; electronic module - in the pressurized cabin;
- scanning the span in the direction transverse to the flight direction of the spacecraft;
- the mechanism for changing the optical path difference is a “double pendulum” with corner reflectors;
- radiation cooler for cooling down the photodetector (SRT-photoresistor);
- unit of lasers of the reference channel to provide spectral measurement binding;
- periodic observation of reference sources (airborne blackbody and space) for radiometric measurement calibration.


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