Space Platform 50

Design and manufacture of small spacecraft for technological scientific and educational purposes in low circular orbits.
Year of release: 2012
Guaranteed service life (years):
At least 1 year (with bringing SAS up to 5 years).
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 12
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
The prototype of the platform is part of the ICA "MIR" (launched July 28, 2012).
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Working orbits Low circular orbit (from 400 to 1500 km) with associated launch
Platform weight Up to 30 kg
Payload weight Up to 40 kg
Payload power supply capacity Average (30 W); peak (90 W) to 10 min.
Orientation Three-axis, active
Orientation accuracy, deg ±10
Nominal voltage, V 27±0,5


Platform for small satellites weighing up to 70 kg. the Height of the orbit is 1500 km. Peculiar properties: - untight; - nickel-metal hydride battery (its elements are part of a single onboard control system); - passive thermal control system on heat pipe
... Platform for small satellites weighing up to 70 kg. the Height of the orbit is 1500 km.
Peculiar properties:
- untight;
- nickel-metal hydride battery (its elements are part of a single onboard control system);
- passive thermal control system on heat pipes and heaters;
- the motion control system of a SPACECRAFT on electromagnetic devices;
- propulsion system on hydrazine (can also be gas). Installed on demand;
- a single onboard control system.


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