Solenoid Valves 12 PT-01

Flow remote control of liquid and gaseous working media (NTO, UDMH, water, alcohol, freon, air, nitrogen, helium, argon).
Flight qualification of the product:
Letter "O", flight use
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Internal Diameter 0.7 mm
Water Flow Rate / Hydraulic Resistance 2.43 g/s/not over 0.039 MPa
Inlet Pressure, no more 3,43 MPa
Supply Voltage 20…34 VDC
Drain Current at U=34VDC, Т=20°С, not over 0.22 А
Opening time, not over 0.015 s
Closing time, not over 0.013 s
Guaranteed Cycle Capability 500,000 starting
Mass, not over 0.040 kg


Single-stage, multi-starting, normally closed, teflon seal Solenoid Valves.

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