Thermocatalytic Low Thruster

Spacecraft orientation, attitude control, and station keeping
Year of release: 1994
Guaranteed service life (years): 10.5
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 10
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
As part of: S/C of Cosmos series; Meredian series; Spektr-R S/C (launched on 18.07.11); Electro-L No.2 (launched on 11.12.15); S/C of Express series (launched on 29.12.03, 24.06.05, 28.01.09); Yamal-300K S/C (launched on 03.11.12)
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Thrust (0.548 ... 0.096)/ (0.65 … 0.37) N
Propellant inlet pressure (853..206)/ (1030..780) kPa
Specific impulse in a continuous mode of operation 216..206 s
Specific impulse in a pulse mode of operation (176..200) s
Life in terms of propellant throughput, kg 20/50
Life in terms of number of cycles 130000 cycles
Power consumption in the preparation mode and in the instant readiness mode (3.3 … 4.5) W
Power consumption in the forced preparation mode (for 3.5 min, up to 5 times) (27.0 … 37.0) W
Overall dimensions 131х130х45 mm
Mass 0.46 kg


Propellant - hydrazine. The main thruster component parts are: a decomposition chamber with a catalyst element and a nozzle, a propellant injection unit, two small-size solenoid valves that supply propellant to the thruster, and a pressure signaling indicator
... Propellant - hydrazine. The main thruster component parts are: a decomposition chamber with a catalyst element and a nozzle, a propellant injection unit, two small-size solenoid valves that supply propellant to the thruster, and a pressure signaling indicator that monitors the fact that the thruster has been started up. A resistive heater and MLI installed on the thruster chamber ensure the required thermal mode of the thruster. The thruster also has a mounting plate that joins the thruster elements.


Manufacturing lead time is given without taking into account the time needed to procure materials (4 months) and procured parts and components (6 months).

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