Gyroscope Sensor for Measuring Angular Velocity Vector Projections 1

Measurement of angular increments (rate integral) on sensitive axes of four measurement channels and transmission of that information to the object’s control system.
Year of release: 1996
Guaranteed service life (years): 15
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 18
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
First launch in 1999. Further operation as a part of several SC.
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Measured angular velocity range 0,4◦/s
Nominal certified value of scale factor (information impulse value) (0,30-0,45) arc second
Random component of the deviation of the IR zero signal, independent of overload, in continuous start-up up to 24 hours 0,003 ◦/h
Weight 12,9 kg
Maximum value of the IR zero signal, independent of overload, per module 3,0 ◦/h
Noise component (1 RMS) of the IR output signal of the device on a stationary ground at the averaging time from 0.1 to 10 s 0,15 arc second
Energy consumption of the device in the steady-state thermal state of 4 IR at a temperature of heat-absorbing surface of the satellite from 5 to 30˚C 69 W
Power supply voltage 27 V
Precision readiness (from the thermal readiness state, from the moment of switching on the IR) 180 min


Redundant free form gyroscopic angular velocity vector meter for spacecraft orientation and stabilization control system. Sealed monoblock device, including electronic and optoelectronic modules with a block of four sensitive elements of a fiber-optic gyrosc
... Redundant free form gyroscopic angular velocity vector meter for spacecraft orientation and stabilization control system.
Sealed monoblock device, including electronic and optoelectronic modules with a block of four sensitive elements of a fiber-optic gyroscope and four sensitive elements of pendulum quartz accelerometer, thermal control system and vibration protection system.


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