Inertial Measurement Unit

Measurement of velocity and angle increments on three sensitive axes of fiber-optic gyroscopes and vibrating string accelerometers of measurement channels and transmission of that information to the control system.
Year of release: 2015
Guaranteed service life (years): 15
Flight qualification of the product: No
Brief history of flight qualification:
The instrument is being developed for future manned spacecraft.

Parameter Value
Measurement range ±60°/s
Scale point of the least category Errror 0.0001
Random component of the care rate in startup <10-3°/h
Weight 13 kg


Sealed monoblock device including electronic and opto-electronic modules with a block of sensitive elements, containing three mutually orthogonal sensitive elements of fiber-optic gyroscopes and three of mutually orthogonal sensitive vibrating string acceler
... Sealed monoblock device including electronic and opto-electronic modules with a block of sensitive elements,
containing three mutually orthogonal sensitive elements of fiber-optic gyroscopes and three
of mutually orthogonal sensitive vibrating string accelerometer elements.
- accurate and precise.



Testing phase.

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