Contour Heat Pipes

Thermal control of spacecraft equipment.
Year of release: 1992
Guaranteed service life (years):
25 years after CHP filling with working fluid.
Estimated production / delivery time (months): 6
Flight qualification of the product: Yes
Brief history of flight qualification:
Operated successfully on board of more than 30 Russian and foreign satellites.
Possibility to adapt the product to customer requirements: Yes

Parameter Value
Transferred heat power from 2 W to 10000 W
Outer diameter of transport lines from 1 mm to 8 mm
Length up to 10 m
Operation temperature range from -170 C to 80 C
Generated capillary pressure up to 70000 Pa (when Ammonia is used as working fluid)


Two-phase (vapor/liquid) hermetic closed evaporating/ condensing thermal transfer system filled with a working fluid (usually by Ammonia or Propylene).
CHP advantages:
- CHP design allows to use units for active and passive control
... Two-phase (vapor/liquid) hermetic closed evaporating/ condensing thermal transfer system filled with a working fluid (usually by Ammonia or Propylene).
CHP advantages:
- CHP design allows to use units for active and passive control of CHP performance;
- CHP can operate at its arbitrary position in the gravity field;
Small pipes diameter allows to bend transport lines that simplifies essentialy CHP integration into the spacecraft;
Condensers of different design (radiators, flow heat exchanges, contact saddles etc.) can be integrated into CHP.


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